Vegan Cookbook

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Make Ahead/Batch Cooking

Make Ahead/Batch Cooking
(Healthy Eating on the go!)

Each week, set aside part of a day or evening (for many of us, the weekend is more likely) to prepare several food items ahead of time for use throughout the week or month.

During your regular meal preparations, plan to make larger portions to serve at least 2 to 3 extra meals.

Another helpful hint would be to set your rice cooker or crock pot in the evenings or if you have time in the morning, to cook dishes while you go to sleep or off to work. Wake up or come home to the delicious aromas of a cooked meal! You will certainly feel less stressed about having to make a meal from scratch especially if you are tired or not feeling well.

If you do not have a rice cooker, simply soak rice in boiled water at least an hour before cooking time. Since rice grows in water, it will absorb the liquid, hence reducing the cooking time by only requiring steaming on a low heat. For chow mein, there's no need to cook on the stove top, since it is already pre-cooked. Simply soak in boiled water or overnight. Drain and use in your favourite recipe.
When cooking beans, prepare an extra portion  in a separate pot at the same time.  Freeze extras and use for soups, salads, side dishes, burgers, entrees, chili, etc.

Pack and Stack
Pre-cut and package foods for quick assembly during meal preparation.

Vegetables: for salads, soups, stews, stir-fries, steaming, etc.

Fresh fruits: for fruit salads, next day lunch packs, natural drinks, or freeze for smoothies, and natural desserts such as smoothies, popsicles, cookies, pies cakes, muffins and breads.

Blocked Cheese: Shred, portion, freeze. (frozen cheese is easier to spread over pizza, etc. less clumping) 

Make Ahead Smoothie Packs are a great idea for the morning rush, especially for those who tend to skip breakfast.
A basic sample pack:
1 banana, 1/2 cup of another fruit or two (mango/pineapple), a handful of berries if available. In the morning, blend your smoothie pack with 1 cup of your favourite milk or yogurt, oats, nut or seed butter, etc. Enjoy!

Nuts grains and seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, flax, pecans, walnuts, cashews, almonds, etc. mix and match for snack packs, cereals (muesli/granola), baking, etc.

A basic portion guide for bath preparations:
1 lb. Rice = 10 portions
1 lb. potatoes = 4 portions
1 lb. pasta = 15 portions (macaroni & cheese)
1 lb dried chick peas/black beans = 7 cups cooked
1 lb. red kidney/black eyed peas = 6 1/2 cups cooked
1 lb dried lentils = 20-24 burgers depending on size

Health Tip:
When cooking Chick Peas (garbanzos), reserve the water used in the cooking process (Aquafaba) for use in future cooking.  Aquafaba contains valuable nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and other soluble plant solids that makes up 1/10th the protein of egg whites, hence is a great substitute for the use of eggs for persons who are allergic to eggs. Aquafaba has an emulsifying, binding, foaming, gelatinizing and thickening effect when used in meringues, mousses, ice cream, butter cream, mayonnaise, cheese/dairy substitutes, and other baked goods. (the water from other peas and beans: soy beans, black/kidney, lentils can also be used as aquafaba.) 

Example: 2-3 tablespoons aquafaba = 1 egg white
Whisk until white and foamy, add accordingly.

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