Fasting is an age-old practice mainly for religious purposes, to aid in developing spiritual strength and for a personal breakthrough in a crisis. The human body is well able to handle long periods without food. Many can attest to the benefits of fasting on the mind and body.
Fasting is one of the most powerful ways to heal and strengthen the body, clear the mind, and bring the body back into balance. Studies show that when you save the body time and energy from digesting food, it gets the opportunity to recoup more energy, eliminate toxins and repair damaged cells.
Benefits of Fasting
Healing and cleansing the body
Repairing and rejuvenating damaged cells and organs
Improving the mind and general outlook
Regulating insulin levels
Lowering blood pressure
Removing toxins
Resetting the taste buds
Cleaning fat cells and reducing excess weight
Improves digestion
Promotes healthy hair, nails, and skin
Promotes more restful sleep
What happens during fasting?
During fasting, the body cleans up diseased cells and neutralizes toxins in the lymph glands, lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, and colon.
When you are fasting, the body has no choice but to "feed" itself on the damaged cells in the body. It uses up the fat stores where toxins accumulate, to maintain energy and protein levels.
The process is called autophagy. As the fat stores are burning up for energy, the body releases and expels the toxins out of the system.
Builds metabolism and immunity
During your fast, the body diverts the energy that you don't need to digest food directly to help boost the metabolism and immune systems. Fasting slows down the metabolic rate and improves the immune system. It helps the body produce protein more efficiently, elevates the hormonal levels and slows down the aging process. The process helps repair and renew cells by destroying tumors and growing healthier cells, organs, and tissues.
When you resume regular meals after your fast, the body releases a plethora of stem cells to help rebuild your organs to their original size. Studies also show you get healthier cells and organs than before you started the fast!
Healing and rejuvenating
Fasting also promotes healing in the body. Persons who fast regularly often remark that they feel energized, and its proven. It helps reduce water retention in the feet and lower joints and improves rheumatoid arthritis. Fasting also aids in reducing allergy symptoms that may cause asthma or hay fever.
Types of Fasts
Tip: Before attempting any method of fasting, kindly consult with your doctor or healthcare professional. Get advice in choosing the plan that best fits your physical and medical health.
1. Water Fast
The most traditional form of fasting, where you consume only pure water. Studies recommend drinking at least 2 quarts of water each day of the fast. Research suggests the water fast may help regulate the blood pressure.
2. Juice or Liquid Fast
Drinking fruit and vegetable juices during the specified period. At least five fruit and or vegetable juices per day are necessary. Chose a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure you maximize your vitamin and mineral intake.
3. Intermittent Fasting (Great for working persons)

There are a few ways to fast intermittently:
Fasting once a month for three months helps improve overall health significantly. You can plan three 5-day fasts or five 3-day fasts or whatever fits your lifestyle needs.
Plan 1: Alternate Fast
Eat every other day, mainly healthy fats, fruits, small quantities of fruits and vegetables. On fasting days, use only pure or coconut water, and herbal teas. Drink at least 1 gallon or eight, 8-ounce glasses of water.
Plan 2: the 8 - 6 Plan
Eat within a particular "time window" during the day, e.g., 8:00 am and 6:00 pm each day, for 14 hours of fasting.
8:00 a.m. - Fasting shake or smoothie
12:00 noon - 1 serving of clean protein, one large salad, and a simple dressing (Cold pressed olive or coconut oil and lemon juice).
2:30 pm - 1 healthy, sugar-free snack or 1 portion of fruit.
5:30 pm - 1 serving of clean protein (or fish) and one serving of steamed or roasted vegetables.
Plan 3: 12 - 6 Plan
Eat only between 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm each day for 18 hours of fasting. Drink lots of water, and stay hydrated with herbal teas to help reduce hunger pangs.
1st meal at 12:00 noon - add extra clean protein to make up for skipping breakfast. Top up your meal with slices of avocado, a serving of peas and beans and a handful of nuts or seeds (soak the seeds overnight or a few hours before using).
5:30 pm - a serving of protein and vegetables.
Plan 4: The 2-Day and 5-2 Plans
2-Day Plan:
Fast in the morning or after an early evening meal. Reduce your calorie intake to at least 700 calories for two days. During the 2-day window, use only fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. (peas, beans, nuts, seeds, etc.)
For the five days, eat only clean foods. Use smaller portions for lunch and dinner and snack cleanly, but sparingly.
5- 2 Plan
Eat clean for five days each week, then fast for two consecutive days.
Recipe guide to making fasting shakes and Smoothies
1-2 cups filtered or coconut water, herbal tea, almond, hemp, or coconut milk.
1 cup fresh or frozen fruits (apples, mangoes, pineapple, papaya, melons, etc.).
2 cups vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, beets, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
1 cup green leafy vegetables: kale, bok choy, green leaf lettuce, spinach, sprouts, etc.
1/4 cup fresh green herbs: parsley, celery, mint, rosemary, basil, etc.
One source of clean protein: avocados, chickpeas, peas and beans, coconut jelly.
Add Superfoods
1 Tbsp. flax meal
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. Green powder: moringa, spirulina, wheatgrass, etc.
One tsp. ground cinnamon
1 fig of fresh ginger or *turmeric or at least one tsp. powder
1 Tbsp. Lemon or lime juice and 1/2 tsp. lemon rind/zest
Pinch of cayenne or *black pepper
*Studies advise using turmeric and black pepper together to help boost the body's ability to utilize the curcumin in turmeric more efficiently.
Since curcumin is not easily absorbed in the body, the active compound, piperine in black pepper may help divert curcumin from the liver directly into the bloodstream. Also, eat a healthy fat or oil when using turmeric to help promote absorption.
*Capsicum from cayenne or chili powder helps activate the sweat glands to remove toxins through the skin. Cayenne pepper is antibiotic, detoxifying, anti-fungal and an excellent immune booster.
You can fast-track your healing with systematic, well-planned fasting. Fasting helps clean your colon, energizes and alkalizes your body. You'll enjoy greater focus, clearer skin, reduced stress levels and balance in mind and body.
Very informative .....
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