Vegan Cookbook

Thursday, February 21, 2019

8 Secrets to Managing Menopause

For women, menopause will happen sooner or later, likely between the ages of 40 and into the '50s, or, even in the '30s for others. Menopause or "change of life" is a natural process but the symptoms can leave most women with emotional and physical challenges.  How you manage your general health and well-being will determine how well you cope with

  • Night Sweats
  • Low energy levels
  • Hot flashes

  • Changes in mood
  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin
  • Thinning hair
  • Low libido
  • Loss of breast elasticity
  • Chills
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Painful sex
Studies show that after menopause, some women are more likely to develop heart disease due to the decrease in estrogen levels in the body. 
Changes in hormonal levels as the ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone in the early '30s and into the '40s. 
Radiation and chemotherapy may also create symptoms like hot flashes and other fertility irregularities.
Partial or total hysterectomies may also produce symptoms like hot flashes, sleeplessness, and night sweats. 

Other signs of menopause may include:

Brittle bones 
Women also experience loss of bone density during the early years after menopause. This may increase their risks for fractures in the hip or spine, especially if they suffer from osteoporosis.

Loss of bladder control
Incontinence is another condition menopausal women may develop due to the decrease in elasticity of the urethra.

Weight gain
As metabolism slows down, women may also gain more body weight.

Sexual discomfort
Vaginal elasticity will decrease during and after menopause, resulting in dryness and painful intercourse.  Women also lose sensation in the vaginal walls and they may experience less desire for sexual intercourse.

So what are the secrets to managing menopause?

1. Capitalize on calcium 
Up to 4 servings of calcium-rich foods or drinks, each day will help keep your bones, heart muscles strong. Calcium also helps reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer. Calcium and magnesium together provide a protective barrier to combat symptoms of menopause. 
Foods rich in calcium include 
Plant sources
Spinach-99 mg per 1 cup
Kale-180 mg per 2 cups (raw)

  • Almonds- 385 mg per 1 cup serving
  • Broccoli-87 mg per 1 cup 
  • Sesame Seeds-88 mg per 1 tablespoon
  • Sweet Potatoes-68 mg (1 large)
  • Okra-82 mg per 1 cup
  • Soy Milk (organic) 1 cup per serving
  • Butternut Squash--84 mg per 1 cup
  • Oranges- 74 mg (whole fruit)
  • Sunflower Seeds-109 mg per 1 cup
  • Tofu-between 275-861 mg per 1/2 cup serving
  • Chia Seeds - 179mg per 2 tablespoons
  • Beans and Legumes help reduce the symptoms of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms
Animal Sources of calcium
Frozen yogurt

2. FILL UP on fiber
Fiber-rich foods help keep the digestive system working well. Whole grains in cereals, bread and pasta, fresh fruits, and green leafy vegetables can fill you up and keep your colon clean. Eat more buckwheat, barley, oats, complex carbohydrates. Fruits are rich in Vitamins A and C, and potassium  

3. INCREASE your Iron
Women never seem to get enough iron. Iron is essential to building red blood cells and taking oxygen to the tissues. Make sure you get adequate amounts of iron by using white beans, nuts, and leafy greens.   

4. EASE UP on Salt
Go easy on the salt. Heavy salt intake increases your risk of hypertension and helps the body retain water. Check your food labels for added salt in canned foods, cereals, cheeses, and sauces.

5. FORGET the Fat
Try to keep your overall fat intake to around 30 percent, and saturated fat to less than 10 percent of your total calories each day. Less fat will help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.  Healthier fats include avocados, nuts, Chia seeds, flaxseeds/linseed, extra virgin, first cold pressed olive oil, coconuts and coconut oil

6. WATCH your Weight
Hormonal changes you experience during menopause may cause you to have extra fat around the belly, thighs, and hips. Keep moving to stay at your ideal weight. 
Ways to exercise include

7. BOOST your Mood 
While exercise will help you lose weight, it's also one of the best mood enhancers around.  Studies show that estrogen levels go up after exercise, causing the body to release "happy" hormones or endorphins.  Exercise will, therefore, have a significant effect on reducing depression, and the severity or intensity of hot flashes. 

Foods that help lift your mood: 
Bananas, sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds, soybeans, almonds, lima beans, black-eyed peas, brown rice, peanuts, and black walnuts.

Animal Products
Processed foods
Environmental pollutants such as gas, exhaust fumes, smoke, noise, light, and heat.  

Take Away
Menopause does not have to be the dreaded "change of life," but a joyous experience of moving onto another phase of life. Making small changes in your daily routine will go a long way to helping you cope better and embrace the new you!


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